Granite Credit Union has been connecting with local communities to improve quality of life and promote education of individuals for a successful future since 1935. The Granite Credit Union Foundation was founded in 2022 to broaden our outreach and further our community initiatives with a greater focus. Everyone benefits when we work together to make our community better.
Our current initiatives include:
Lynn Kuehne Legacy Scholarship for post high school education
Maxine Babalis Excellence in Education Grant for teachers who have gone above and beyond in leadership and child advocacy
Teacher Grants for classroom supplies
Small Business Grants to help local businesses make their mark
Learn more about these scholarships and grants
In honor of former Granite Credit Union President and CEO, Lynn Kuehne’s innovative contributions to the credit union industry, this $5,000 scholarship is awarded annually to up to four youth members of Granite Credit Union between the ages of 12 and 17.
Lynn Kuehne Legacy Scholarship Winners:
Applications accepted late summer/ early fall
Granite Credit Union has created a $1,000 educator grant as a legacy for Maxine Babalis. Maxine served on Granite’s Board of Directors for 43 years. This grant is a tribute to her service and legacy and is awarded to a teacher that has gone above and beyond in leadership and child advocacy.
Nominations accepted in January
In an effort to ease the burden of classroom teachers, Granite Credit Union offers many $350 grants to teachers for classroom supplies each year at the district’s opening conference. We appreciate the efforts educators are making to provide creative ways to engage their students for more meaningful learning, often at personal expense. We hope these small grants will enable more teachers to provide the needed resources for their classrooms.
Teacher Grant Winners:
Grant applications accepted at the annual GSD opening conference
Granite Credit Union is proud to support local businesses. Small businesses have a large impact on local communities. Local businesses keep more money in the community and create more jobs for residents of the community. Granite is always there to help small businesses get the financial help they need to stay in business.
To provide charitable and educational purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 (c)(3) of the International Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
To assist organizations that benefit the communities in which Granite Credit Union operates. The Foundation will work to connect volunteers and resources to community organizations. The Foundation’s focus will be supporting education, and economic and financial equity in communities served by Granite Credit Union. The Foundation will conduct fundraising activities and support its operations.
To engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the Utah Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act consistent with section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
Mark Young, Board Chair; Mary Woodard, Foundation President; Laura Wall, Board Member;
Julie Morgan, Board Vice Chair, Treasurer; Ileana McDonald, Board Member; Garrett Laws, Board Secretary
When we unite as a community, we can do more. Our members have contributed generously over the years to the charitable efforts with which we have partnered. New items for school or children are always welcome. Click a payment preference below or come into a branch to give cash donations.